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Essential Elements 2000: Eb Alto Saxophone, Book 1From Hal Leonard
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(Essential Elements for Band). (Essential Elements for Band and Essential Elements Interactive are fully compatible with Essential Elements 2000 ) Essential Elements for Band offers beginning students sound pedagogy and engaging music, all carefully paced to successfully start young players on their musical journey. EE features both familiar songs and specially designed exercises, created and arranged for the classroom in a unison-learning environment, as well as instrument-specific exercises to focus each student on the unique characteristics of their own instrument. EE provides both teachers and students with a wealth of materials to develop total musicianship, even at the beginning stages. Books 1 and 2 also include access to Essential Elements Interactive (EEi) , the ultimate online music education resource - anywhere, anytime, and on any device. Go to to learn more! Method features: * Enhanced Learning System * Optimum Reinforced Learning * Theory, History, Cross-Curriculum & Creativity * Daily Warm-ups & Rubank Studies * 12 Full Band Arrangements * Rhythm Studies Book also includes My EE Library* ( - Instant Stream/Download/CD-ROM* * Start-up video Learn the basics * Play-along mp3 tracks for all exercises Features a professional player on each individual instrument * Duets and trios Print and play parts with friends * Music listening library Hear great pieces for band! * Internet access required for My EE Library . Book includes instructions to order free opt. CD-ROM.
- Sales Rank: #37400 in Books
- Brand: Hal Leonard
- Published on: 1999-06-01
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 12.00" h x .14" w x 9.00" l, .45 pounds
- Binding: Paperback
- 48 pages
- cf-type-band-instrument-method-book, cf-vendor-hal-leonard, reverbsync-shipping-profile:Standard Ground Less than 39.99, Tag_Alto Sax
About the Author
Founded in 1947, Hal Leonard Corporation has become the worlds largest print music publisher, representing some of the greatest songwriters and artists of all time. We are proud to publish titles of interest to all musicians as well as music lovers, from songbooks and instructional titles to artist biographies and instrument price guides to books about the music industry and all the performing arts.
Most helpful customer reviews
43 of 43 people found the following review helpful.
Essential Elements 2000
By Ann Cochran
This is an excellent book for someone who wants to learn to play the clarinet one their own. I ordered the Clarinet Fingering Chart along with it but the fingering chart included in the book is much easier to use.
4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
it's a good refresher and I certainly need all the basics before ...
By Len Canter
Purchased Essential Elements for Band, Books 1 & 2, and Essential Techniques for Band, Book 3 by Hal Leonard along with a first Clarinet for my 11 year old granddaughter. Also purchased a second set for myself since i haven't played my Clarinet since 1957 in HS, and i want to see what she's learning. Surprised me, when her Father, (my son), was the first to use the books to assemble her Clarinet and played some basic notes without having any prior musical instrument experience. For me, at 73, it's a good refresher and I certainly need all the basics before I can progress to Hal Leonard's Clarinet Books "Songs of the 40's Songs of the 50"s, & Songs of the 60's".
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
No cd or DVD included in the book.
By kathy tracy
Shoes in the picture that the cd and DVD come with the book but nope it doesn't. Instead it has 2 options on a card inside the book: 1. Instant stream/download 2. Get a free cd-rom in the mail or order online at [...]
Not sure how long it will take for the cd-rom to arrive in the mail though.
Other than that it's seems ok I guess. I am a piano player (I understand this is a Clarinet book), read music and play by ear person for 27 yrs.
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